Dear seafarers, partners and friends, we will soon anchor yet another year and sail bravely into 2019. Webelieve and hope that it will be filled with successful collaborations andpartnerships, just like the ones before. We thank you kindly for another year of support and trust. We wish amerry... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers and partners,we are heading towards a new year and in a few days we will reach our destination. We hope you will think of 2017 fondly, but that 2018 will bring even more successful cooperations and partnerships. We are looking forward to them!We thank you all kindly for being a part... Pročitaj više
Postovani pomorci, Nazalost i dalje traje kriza zaposljavanja hrvatskih pomoraca na brodovima u medjunarodnoj plovidbi od 2009 i offshore sektoru od 2014. Uz to potraznja za vjezbenicima, a koja je uvijek nazalost niska, u posebnom je padu od druge polovice 2016 bez naznake poboljsanja. Hrvatska... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers and partners, our course is set towards 2017 and we sincerely hope it will bring plenty of good things. Over the past 12 months, the partnership with our associates and seafarers has grown even stronger and we are sure it will only get better in the future. With this positive notion,... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers and partners, while we head in full sail towards 2016, we truly hope that it will be a port filled with happiness and success. The past year has been very dynamic for DGS and we hope to continue in the similar fashion - to our mutual benefit. With that in mind, we wholeheartedly wish... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers and partners,we hope you had a happy and productive 2014 and that you will set sail for an even better 2015! As always, we are grateful for our successful partnership in 2014 and we look forward to the future collaboration. DGS agency will soon expand its services so we invite you to... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers and partners, at the end of another year we would like to thank you all for successful cooperation during 2013. We hope to continue our partnership of mutual benefit in the years to come and improve the quality of our collaboration even further. We wish you and your families all the... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers, we would like to inform you that a new, improved version of the Candidate Application is now available. It is divided into 5 different sections with obligatory fields and you cannot advance to the next step without completing the previous one. The last part of the Application is the... Pročitaj više
Dear seafarers,we would like to inform you that in collaboration with Dogma real estate agency, we are offering a discount on buying or selling real estate exclusively to the seafarers recruited via DGS. 10 % discount Seafarers recruited via DGS Agency, as well as their families, are now entitled... Pročitaj više